visita veterinaria SURvet

Some advice to make your visit more comfortable

We are a Veterinary Hospital specialised in Accidents and Emergencies, Intensive Care and Veterinary Referrals. Furthermore, we have a 24hr Veterinary Referral Service attending both cases referred to us by other veterinary centres and Emergencies from the general public, during night hours, holidays or when the regular veterinary is closed.

If you are about to visit SURvet for the first time, on this page you will find advice to help you and your pet have a more comfortable visit and stay in our hospital. We guarantee that our staff will make every effort to ensure the well-being and care of your cat or dog during what we know can be difficult times for you.

Before the visit

  • If you are visiting for an emergency: it is not necessary to ask for an appointment, but, if you call before arriving, we can take any necessary medical steps to help us be prepared.

  • If you visit us referred from another centre: remember to confirm the date and time of the appointment and if you cannot come to your appointment, please let us know beforehand. Follow your veterinary’s instructions regarding fasting in the case of diagnostic tests.

  • If it is your first visit to our centre, we would appreciate it if you could arrive 10 minutes early so as to complete the necessary forms and permisions (if required) for admission to the hospital.

  • For hospital admissions, it is not necessary to bring your pet’s bed or other objects (feeding bowls, blankets etc.). If you decide to bring them, they can be left in the hospital, although SURvet will not be held responsible for them in case of loss or damage.

During your visit

In the case of emergencies, our medical team needs to have as much information as possible regarding the medical history of the patient, as well as full details of any medication that the patient is taking.
Once the patient has been examined by the veterinary, you will be informed of the possible diagnosis as well as the analytical tests or imaging (Radiography, Ecography…) that the veterinary deems necessary.

The work of our medical team focuses on allowing you to return home safely with your pet after the visit, with a treatment plan to assure a complete recovery. But, if further tests are needed or the patient is not in condition to return home, they will need to be hospitalised in our centre. In the case that your cat or dog needs to be admitted to SURvet’s hospital, this will require the previous client acceptance of the Treatment Plan and Admission costs, which will be given to you in reception.

Our absolute priority in any emergency is the stabilisation of the patient (especially in critical situations). Subsequently, and being fully aware that in some cases the cost of surgery and treatment may be high, the client will be provided with detailed information and cost estimates for the treatment. In the case of hospitalisation, the client must provide a financial deposit based on the quote and settle the bill on a daily basis.

visita veterinaria SURvet
visita veterinaria SURvet

Once your pet is admitted to SURvet’s hospital, you will receive regular information updates from the medical team who will ensure that any changes in your pet’s health are notified to you and any doubts you have are clarified. However, if you have any further specific questions, you can feel free to call reception on +34 934 594 500 when you wish.

And cats?

We would like to remind you that we are a Catfriendly centre and have dedicated and independent areas specifically designed for waiting, visits and the hospitalisation of your cat. In this way, for their well-being, your cat will not have to share a space or interact with dogs. Alseo, in July 2019 we have received the ISFM Cat Friendly Clinic Gold accreditation, a recognition of the specific work we do at SURvet to provide maximum comfort for our feline patients.

Can patients receive visits?

As you may have read on the page information on Hospitalisation and ICU, with the idea of creating maximum transparency for the work we do, the hospital area of SURvet has open access for clients and pet owners, albeit within certain time and other limits. We are fully aware that a visit to your pet can help them in their recovery and try to make visits as easy and pleasant as possible for pet owners 🙂

We know that, depending on the state of your pet, a visit may be complicated: you need to evaluate, based on your cat or dog’s health and stress levels, the advisability of visiting your pet. Please accept in good faith the advice and indications of the veterinary or medical team, for the well-being of your pet.

Hospital Discharge

On the day your cat or dog is discharged from the hospital, you will be given all of the necessary documentation, reports and analyses, both in paper versions and via email if you so desire.

If you have left any of your pet’s personal objects with us (blankets, toys etc.), you should collect them now.

After the medical discharge, if you have any doubts about the treatment your pet needs or are worried about the health of your pet, contact us by telephone and our medical team will be pleased to help you.

After the visit

Our will is ALWAYS to do everything we possibly can medically and technically to cure our patients. All of the effort the medical team make in communicating with the client is based on this and above all, to provide rapid care, comfort well-bieng and ensure the dignity of the patient.

You may make any observation regarding the visit using the form on this page. If you have it available, please include the NHC (Clinical History Number) so that we can identify the case if needed and contact you.

If you are satisfied with the attention you have received at SURvet, we woud be very grateful if you could comment positively in our social network pages (@SurvetDiagonal in Google and @SURvetDiagonal in Facebook)

As well as interesting news, if you follow us on Facebook @SURvetDiagonal on Facebook  you will receive occasional information and news regarding the health of our four-legged friends. We love to see on our social networking pages information and photos of our patients and their families.

At SURvet you will always find during night hours and holidays a team of Veterinaries and Assistants, specialised in Accidents and Emergencies and critical cases. We have duty personnel in reception and triage as well as specialists and assistants, all ready to come to the hospital immediately if needed.

Our team of Veterinaries and Assistants is completely dedicated to the care of animals. #CommittedToCare, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

visita veterinaria SURvet

At SURvet we are #CommittedToCare

“No puc estar més agraïda. Gent professional, amant dels animals, dedicats, afectuosos amb els nostres peluts. Al meu Garrow li han salvat la vida. Li espera una recuperació lenta, però està viu i deu n’hi do lo bé que està per haver caigut d’un novè pis. Sou meravellosos. GRÀCIES!” – Julia D.

Do you need to go to an Emergency Hospital?

Call us or visit us!

Our 24hr Veterinary Hospital is open to the general public for emergencies when their usual veterinary centre is closed, during night hours and holidays.

Do you need transportation by Veterinary Ambulance?

We offer clients and reference veterinarians a equipped vehicle service designed especially for the transport of veterinary patients.

SURvet´s Customer Assessment
of our service November 2024
Survet Star
4.72 / 5 
More info (spanish)